Married to Blanche Kandolo Tunasi. They have four children. He is also the Senior Pastor of Compassion Church and the visionary *founder* of Compassion Nucleus International (CNI). In addition to his ministries, he is the author and composer of numerous spiritual hymns and the director of several plays. He is also a true promoter of young people: preachers, composers and Christian political leaders and a passionate supporter of student youth, whom he knows to be the future of the world today.
La Compassion orphanage is a centre for orphans, abandoned children and children without reference points. Our multidisciplinary team on site is mobilised on a daily basis to offer these children excellence, the grace to succeed, to dream of a better life and to become aware that they have an inestimable value in the eyes of God. This project is open to all *and your participation in its operation will honour us.