Marcello Jérémie TUNASI was converted in 1990 following an apparition of Jesus Christ.
In 1996 he received his call to the ministry. In 1998, he became the Senior Pastor of La Compassion Church in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo. In 2009, he founded the CREFM community (*Centre d'Evangélisation, de Formation et de Mission) based on the values of Love, Holiness, Power and Balance in Jesus Christ who counts. The CREFM has to date about fifty Extensions working in Africa, Europe and Canada.
He is passionate about new technologies, which he has been using to good effect for several years to teach, preach and evangelise beyond the borders of the DRC and Africa.
He is also the founder of Marcello Tunasi Ministries (MT), Compassion Nucleus International (NCI), the Compassion Orphanage and the Compassion Ministry School which trains missionaries.
His pastoral ministry is complemented by that of author-composer and interpreter of numerous spiritual hymns, director of theatrical plays with the HIS (humour, intelligence, wisdom) theatre and film company
Marcello Jeremie Tunasi is also the author and editor of several books: "Discover and experience your presence", "Strategies for dealing with temptation", "500 words of wisdom", "The secret of the Secret Place. From Go, Hide to Go, Show", "The Way of True Forgiveness". And soon "Bone of my bones, Flesh of the flesh. Choosing with God" and "Overcoming the spirit of divorce".
He is also the author, composer and performer of several spiritual hymns and director of plays performed by the HIS (Humour, Intelligence, Wisdom) theatre and film company.
Enfin, ce serviteur de Dieu est l’auteur et l’éditeur de plusieurs livres.